
User's AC Ratio

88.9% (8/9)

Submission's AC Ratio

72.7% (8/11)





Input Format

輸入只有一行長度為 $L(1\le L \le 1000)$ 的字串,包含大小寫的英文字元、標點符號 ,. 以及空格。

Output Format

輸出一行長度亦為 $L$ 的字串,符合英文文法大小寫規則。

Sample Input 1

i lIkE WritING CodE. I hAte bUgs.

Sample Output 1

I like writing code. I hate bugs.

Sample Input 2

aN apPLe a dAy kEEpS THE dOcTER AwAy.

Sample Output 2

An apple a day keeps the docter away.


Problem Source


No. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~1 範例測資 0
2 0~8 無額外限制 100

Testdata and Limits

No. Time Limit (ms) Memory Limit (VSS, KiB) Output Limit (KiB) Subtasks
0 1000 524288 65536 1 2
1 1000 524288 65536 1 2
2 1000 524288 65536 2
3 1000 524288 65536 2
4 1000 524288 65536 2
5 1000 524288 65536 2
6 1000 524288 65536 2
7 1000 524288 65536 2
8 1000 524288 65536 2