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Total Time (ms)

Max Memory (RSS, KiB)



Wrong Answer

Subtask Results

Subtask no. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~2 範例測資 0 / 0
2 1, 3~12 $K = 0$ 0 / 20
3 0~57 無額外限制 0 / 80

Testdata Results

Testdata no. Subtasks Time (ms) Memory (VSS, KiB) Memory (RSS, KiB) Verdict Score
0 1 3 0001.5 24024 3316 Accepted 100
1 1 2 3 0001.3 24024 3412 Accepted 100
2 1 3 0001.3 24024 3608 Accepted 100
3 2 3 0001.7 24024 3420 Accepted 100
4 2 3 0069.1 24024 5748 Accepted 100
5 2 3 0109.2 24024 5804 Accepted 100
6 2 3 0132.1 24024 5792 Accepted 100
7 2 3 0091.3 24024 5844 Wrong Answer 0
8 2 3 0050.7 24024 5804 Accepted 100
9 2 3 0032.8 24024 4520 Accepted 100
10 2 3 0010.7 24024 3636 Accepted 100
11 2 3 0006.4 24024 3536 Accepted 100
12 2 3 0039.2 24024 4096 Accepted 100
13 3 0001.0 24024 3508 Accepted 100
14 3 0001.0 24024 3592 Accepted 100
15 3 0001.0 24024 3456 Accepted 100
16 3 0001.5 24024 3596 Accepted 100
17 3 0001.4 24024 3548 Accepted 100
18 3 0109.6 24024 21412 Accepted 100
19 3 0108.3 24024 21524 Accepted 100
20 3 0098.0 24024 19060 Accepted 100
21 3 0103.8 24024 21392 Wrong Answer 0
22 3 0081.7 24024 13608 Accepted 100
23 3 0102.0 24024 15912 Accepted 100
24 3 0068.6 24024 8124 Wrong Answer 0
25 3 0081.3 24024 20628 Accepted 100
26 3 0033.9 24024 6632 Accepted 100
27 3 0057.3 24024 9692 Accepted 100
28 3 0001.0 24024 3524 Accepted 100
29 3 0103.4 24024 6124 Accepted 100
30 3 0078.1 24024 19852 Wrong Answer 0
31 3 0121.2 24024 6468 Accepted 100
32 3 0142.8 24024 7828 Accepted 100
33 3 0035.2 24024 4968 Accepted 100
34 3 0055.2 24024 6848 Accepted 100
35 3 0070.1 24024 7368 Accepted 100
36 3 0067.2 24024 7484 Accepted 100
37 3 0001.5 24024 3500 Accepted 100
38 3 0045.3 24024 7280 Wrong Answer 0
39 3 0010.5 24024 3972 Accepted 100
40 3 0026.5 24024 5408 Accepted 100
41 3 0089.2 24024 10440 Accepted 100
42 3 0056.3 24024 9044 Accepted 100
43 3 0063.7 24024 8872 Accepted 100
44 3 0137.0 24024 14000 Accepted 100
45 3 0068.4 24024 8804 Accepted 100
46 3 0127.6 24024 16152 Accepted 100
47 3 0032.2 24024 7012 Accepted 100
48 3 0027.9 24024 6620 Accepted 100
49 3 0122.8 24024 16584 Accepted 100
50 3 0018.9 24024 5792 Accepted 100
51 3 0125.5 24024 18376 Accepted 100
52 3 0096.7 24024 21380 Accepted 100
53 3 0082.5 24024 21432 Wrong Answer 0
54 3 0165.1 24024 21412 Accepted 100
55 3 0131.4 24024 21428 Accepted 100
56 3 0122.6 24024 6532 Accepted 100
57 3 0095.5 24024 21416 Wrong Answer 0
Code Length:
1004 Bytes
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