Rank Username Nickname Motto Accepted AC Ratio
51 chrislaiisme climX
42 37.9% (96/253)
52 hahahahaha hahahahaha 39 36.1% (39/108)
53 mmhmmhmmh MMHMMHMMH 38 46.7% (50/107)
54 cecill77777 Cecill 38 36.7% (47/128)
55 andy8787 Andy8787 37 71.7% (38/53)
56 a20060907 idk 36 52.9% (45/85)
57 tingpeng1055 hxppythxught
Being intimate with yourself... Finding new horizons... And having fun!
35 61.5% (499/811)
58 eugene1234 eugene1234 35 21.0% (37/176)
59 script_kidd script_kidd 33 58.6% (41/70)
60 colten Colten
今年學員好像沒有比我老的 : ( 希望可以多一點人來南區資訊之芽 : D
32 79.9% (386/483)
61 pring pring 32 62.1% (36/58)
62 hung hung 32 28.3% (34/120)
63 cyhuang kangaroo:)
30 55.6% (40/72)
64 sharonlin0915 Sharon 30 40.3% (31/77)
65 william0615 william 30 38.5% (40/104)
66 maxbrucelen max 30 34.5% (39/113)
67 hsin Hsin 30 21.1% (44/209)
68 thousandai ThousandAI 29 36.7% (54/147)
69 ancuber1031 ancuber1031 28 76.9% (30/39)
70 ioicamp_ta IOICamp_TA 28 66.7% (36/54)
71 dnda dnda
Burn chicken everyday...
28 59.3% (51/86)
72 t8148 T 28 29.1% (34/117)
73 blameazu Blameazu 27 60.0% (27/45)
74 mocha mocha 27 51.4% (76/148)
75 justinlai 8e7 27 37.6% (32/85)